Why I Wrote My Book, Bulletproof.
Picture this: You’re young, unmarried, and newly repatriated to an Asian city. You’ve just started your small business that involves delivering packages to cruise ships. You are covered for your time on the ground and on the cruise ship, but not in between. You don’t realize this, and your staff has a boating accident on the way to the cruise ship. Suddenly you are out of pocket over $100,000 in medical expenses. Now what do you do?
While these stories may sound far-fetched or unlikely, I assure you, they are not. The need for adequate insurance rears its head at some point or another in everyone’s life. Insurance has become an industry that is legendary for being bureaucratic, tedious, and sometimes even shady. Long, wordy policies put most common buyers to sleep. Sleazy insurance brokers leave the impression that insurance is just a money grab. What is a smart person or employer to do? This is where I come in.
I grew up in insurance, literally. Immersed in insurance from a young age, I grew up to view insurance much differently than most people. I see insurance as necessary and valuable protection. As such, it upsets me to hear stories of people being sold packages that do not provide the coverage they need, or not buying insurances for themselves or their companies because they have had one too many bad experiences with insurance providers.
I wrote my book, Bulletproof, to bridge the gap between you and insurance. Benefit programs are changing. The employer-employee landscape is shifting and becoming vastly unrecognizable to anyone who has been in it since the ‘80’s. To me, this shift is about relationships.
Employees know they deserve to be provided for, and are hungry for a more empowered relationship with their employers. Employers, on the other hand, are feeling vulnerable to the potential for their top talent to leave them if they don’t feel valued and cared for. Employers are being invited into a deeper experience of the work relationship, as employees are demanding employers who are transparent, accountable, and most of all, who care and value their team.
My book is a blend of true stories of insurance nightmares and a how-to guide to avoid having these happen to you. The five steps in the Benefits Blueprint are easy to do and, if followed to a T, will launch your company to the top of the heap in terms of smart coverage.
There no longer needs to be a veil of mystery over the insurance coverage that you are paying for. I have answers and knowledge to share with you that will make insurance easy and transparent. The more educated you can be as an employer, the better for everyone in your company.
To request a free copy of my book, simply email bulletproof@expatinsurance.com.sg with your name, address and job title!